26640 Bouquet Canyon Rd.

Grow - Develop - Self Confidence

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  1. Courage

Martial arts is about so much more than just fighting. It doesn’t teach kids to live without fear, but to act in spite of fear. This bravery can be transferred to setting goals, overcoming challenges, and attaining success both in the dojangang and throughout life. 

  1. Respect

Children are taught to respect their masters, instructors, peers, and most importantly – themselves. Quality martial arts should focus on valuing themselves and others which can carry on beyond the studio. Self-respect and respect for others is a great skill that will stick with your children for their entire life. 

  1. Leadership

With proper mentorship and growth opportunities, martial arts can encourage leadership through helping lower level students to reach their own goals. Children can be empowered to make positive decisions and act as role models. 

  1. Confidence

When a child works towards a goal and succeeds, they feel empowered with self-confidence. Your child can learn how to work with their strengths and weaknesses to their own ability and learn that hard work, focus, and determination can help them to accomplish whatever they set out to do. Just like they may not always win in martial arts, they may face days where they feel like they are struggling to push forward. Striving to push themselves helps them both in the dojang and in the real world. 

  1. Discipline

This is one of the most important skills in life. Discipline goes beyond just following rules. Martial arts focus on self-discipline to help control emotions and strive towards goals. 

  1. Focus

In martial arts, children must learn to focus their energy and strength. When children learn this skill, they can apply it to other things outside the dojang such as homework, chores, friendships and personal goal setting. 

  1. Physical Fitness

Martial arts is a sport and one of the many aspects includes keeping physically fit. Most classes include cardio workouts, strength training, relaxation drills, and flexibility. Having a health body tends to have a positive impact on other aspects of your child’s life such as energy levels, concentration, and good moods. The work out your child experiences doing martial arts is a great way to keep kids active while also having fun. 

These benefits that kids learn from martial arts not only helps your child succeed in the sport, but also in life. 

Since our founding in 2010, Bright Star Martial Arts has had the opportunity to help countless students acquire foundational skills, develop new techniques and confidently move forward in their learning journey. Known as the best Martial Arts School in Santa Clarita for special needs kids and adults, we provide a wide range of martial arts classes to support students from all backgrounds and levels.


Bright Star Martial Arts
28061 Smyth Dr
Valencia, CA 91355