26640 Bouquet Canyon Rd.

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Most parents want their children to be active and learn discipline at a young age. That is why martial arts classes are becoming increasingly popular for kids. But what is the right time for a child to start these classes? And which style should you choose for your little one? In this article, we will discuss the benefits of martial arts for kids and provide some tips on how to choose the right program.

Your Child’s Development

Kids develop at different rates, which means that there is no set age for starting martial arts classes. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until children are 5-7 years old before enrolling them in a program. This generally provides sufficient time for kids to develop enough coordination and balance to perform the movements involved in most martial arts.

The Martial Arts Instructor

All martial arts instructors are not created equal. Some are more skilled than others and some have a better rapport with children. You should do your research to find an instructor who has appropriate experience working with kids and one who will be able to effectively develop their skills in the martial arts over time.

The Type of Martial Arts Program

There are many different styles of martial arts that you can choose for your child. Some common choices include karate, taekwondo, and judo. Each has unique benefits that children will enjoy. For example, if your child is hyperactive and needs to learn self-control and discipline, then a program that focuses on kicking or punching may be more appropriate. However, if your child is shy or struggles with anxiety, then a program that focuses on meditation and calming techniques could be ideal.

Your Child’s Interests

If your child enjoys watching martial arts movies or playing superheroes and villains, then they will most likely enjoy learning the moves themselves. When you are choosing a program, take your child’s interests into consideration to help them get the most out of their training experience.

Martial arts classes are an excellent way to engage children and teach them valuable skills while they are young. By considering all of these factors, you can choose a program that is right for your child based on their developmental needs, the instructor’s ability to teach children effectively, and their interests and budget. And by all means, have fun while it takes place!

Since our founding in 2010, Bright Star Martial Arts has had the opportunity to help countless students acquire foundational skills, develop new techniques and confidently move forward in their learning journey. Known as the best Martial Arts School in Santa Clarita for special needs kids and adults, we provide a wide range of martial arts classes to support students from all backgrounds and levels.


Bright Star Martial Arts
28061 Smyth Dr
Valencia, CA 91355