26640 Bouquet Canyon Rd.

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Testing in Taekwondo is an important part of learning the art. Tests can range from belt promotions to instructor evaluations, as well as competitions and sparring matches. Ultimately, testing is a way for practitioners to demonstrate their understanding and skills in the art.

Belt progression

In order to be promoted or certified up the ranks of Taekwondo, most students must take a belt test. These tests assess the student’s knowledge of techniques and forms, as well as their physical capacity to execute them. The tests can vary in length and difficulty, but usually consist of drills, katas (forms), sparring or self-defense scenarios.

In addition to belt tests, Taekwondo practitioners may also take instructor or master evaluations. These tests evaluate the student’s knowledge of advanced techniques and their ability to teach these skills to others.


Taekwondo competitions are a great way for students to test their skills against other practitioners. These events may include point sparring, light contact sparring, demonstrations, and breaking boards.


Finally, sparring matches are a great way to test one’s skills in a realistic context. Sparring can range from light contact drills to full-on free-style matches. Not only is this an excellent way to practice techniques and strategies, but it also builds confidence and mental fortitude by challenging the student to stay calm and focused in a high-pressure situation.

Since our founding in 2010, Bright Star Martial Arts has had the opportunity to help countless students acquire foundational skills, develop new techniques and confidently move forward in their learning journey. Known as the best Martial Arts School in Santa Clarita for special needs kids and adults, we provide a wide range of martial arts classes to support students from all backgrounds and levels. 


Bright Star Martial Arts
28061 Smyth Dr
Valencia, CA 91355